
Showing posts from December, 2010


Hi, Welcome to my BLOGG SEFSHIN - THE SECRET COMBAT OF FIRE Hi, Hi, Hi, my name is Christopher Morris and welcome to my blog for Sef Shin - The Secrete Combat of Fire. This is a new system of martial art which is currently being taught by the Supreme Grandmaster himself Mehdi Zand. And I can’t tell you how fortunate I am to be learning directly from the man who has recently been awarded International Martial Arts Hall of Fame - Grand Master Founder of the Year by the International Martial Arts Times Magazine. I think this is a great honour .   Here’s the articles so just click it for the details. Now here’s a little back ground about me J I am a person who loves martial arts and I have tried most of the systems   out there. From Shotokan (yeah everyone has done that one) to Wing Chun to Aikido, Kendo, Jujitsu and Kickboxing. I love keeping fit and find the best way to keep myself motivated is to train in the martial arts. I used to be a po